CALENDAR - Updated June 11, 2018 Info searching hint: Use Control + F on PCs or Apple + F on Macs to pop up a text search window. Then enter any text, "Hayfork" for example, to find all text on this page with the word "Hayfork" in it. If you don't find it here, be sure to visit Trinity Cam's Big List of Events Calendars! I don't mind the info on this website to be used for publicity purposes, but please contact event organizer for their permission and latest updates BEFORE including their event info in any printed matter. Phone numbers are 530 area code, unless otherwise noted. Thank you! EVENTS
GOVERNMENT VIDEO of TRINITY COUNTY CANDIDATES NIGHT IN JUNCTION CITY. 0-13 minutes for the Sheriffs candidates; 13 -45 minutes for District 4 Supervisor candidates; 45-1:08 County Registrar/Elections candidates; 1:08 - end County Assessor/tax collector candidates. You can also search YouTube for April 9 Candidates Night at Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center, which was over 2 hours long. Video of a Meet & Greet for Tim Saxon Sheriff candidate at Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center (1hour 10 minutes). 5 THINGS YOU CAN DO FOR THE EARTH!! 1) MARCH FOR SCIENCE! Science is often overlooked, dismissed, and even denied in political arena. Trump Administration has threatened to further restrict scientists’ ability to research and communicate their findings. We face a possible future where people not only ignore scientific evidence, but seek to eliminate it entirely. It is imperative that scientists and non-scientists alike fight for and demand that policies affecting environment, health, and well-being of our society be based on science and fact. 2) TAKE A HIKE: Get outside, enjoy nature, and nurture your soul. 3) TAKE ACTION! Unfortunately, while our parks offer an amazing opportunity to explore and enjoy our wild places, Trump Administration has proposed eliminating a large portion of their budget. This could mean staff shortages, difficulty maintaining trails and facilities, and limits on educational programs. Let our local senators know that our National Parks are a priceless part of America’s natural heritage, and they must be safeguarded as a legacy for future generations through proper funding and expanded protections. Most agencies are complaint driven, let your voices be heard! Call: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Phone:(202) 224-3841 Fax:(202) 228-3954, Senator Kamala Devi Harris (202) 224-3553 Fax: (202) 224-2200. Join EPIC's email list to follow our current Action Alerts! 4) STAND IN SOLIDARITY with Indigenous and Native Forest Communities. Across the globe, Indigenous and Native Peoples are fighting deforestation, pipelines, and other environmental harms that threaten their livelihood and culture. Educate yourself on local matters, and critically analyze how they may affect native people’s who reside in those spaces. Educate yourself on how to become an ally. Keep in mind, an ally is never self-identified and self-defined, but rather, can only be identified and defined by the communities one is attempting to ally with. Learn more about how to be a proper ally for these communities. 5) SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL NONPROFITS! In these tremulous times ones activist spirit may feel spread thin, or forced to choose one single organization or cause to align with. Please don't feel discouraged, your support matters! Support can either be by donation or by dedicating your valuable time and energy. Donations are not always monetary, and although funds help keep the lights on in the office - organizations big or small have different needs. Check in on their current events or action campaigns and ask what they need! VOLUNTEERS: Epic needs people like you throughout the year to help support events, fundraising appeals, and other routine office tasks. No academic skills required, only willingness to help. Help out a great cause and get to know your fellow community members. Fill out info here, select volunteer tasks you are willing to help out with. INTERNSHIPS: Many EPIC staff members began their careers as EPIC interns. Come put that big brain of yours to work! From policy to graphic design, EPIC needs your specialized skills. More info on volunteer and internship opportunities email or call 707-822-7711. TRINITY ALLIANCE OF THE HEALING ARTS COMMUNITY WELLNESS CENTER & HAPPY SALMON GALLERY (140 S. Miner Street): TAHA House open hours in May: Tuesdays - Margaret - 2-6pm; Thursdays (May 3, 24, 31) - Pam - 1-5pm. You can create a personal healing pendant with Pam (walk-ins or by app't). More info, to make an app't with Pam: call 778-3135. TAHA lending library has a fine selection of books, DVDs, and other resources related to healing arts. Happy Salmon Gallery always has art on the walls. Services available through Wellness Center: Sound healing with singing bowls; Reiki healing sessions; consultations for herbal tonics, nutrition, and essential oils; astrological readings; numerology profiles; dermatoglyphic (hand) readings; intuitive counseling; and Tarot readings. TAHA encourages it's members to use the Wellness Center for the benefit of our community. If you have a class or workshop you have been thinking about presenting, it is very easy to get on their calendar, just present TAHA board with a written proposal (email is fine) of what you plan to teach, along with your experience in teaching that subject. More info: call 623-2244 or 628-4579. GRAB YOUR WALLET lists businesses that carry Trump-family products. It's interesting reading and suggests an action we can take to contact those companies and tell them that we will boycott them for their collusion with Trump. Vote with your dollars!! Fracking involves injecting millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals thousands of feet underground at high pressure to crack the rock and release trapped pockets of oil and gas. The gas leaks into our water table with the chemicals used to extract it. The damage is irreversible. This dangerous method of oil and gas drilling is already causing poisoned water and air in Wyoming, earthquakes in Ohio, and tap water that lights on fire in Pennsylvania. There is already Frack waste in your water in California, Colorado, and other states. It is not regulated anywhere. The underground explosions risk more earthquakes, and we are already seeing cancer clusters in neighborhoods around frack sites. While we know fracking is happening in California's Monterey Shale formation - which extends from Monterey County and the Central Valley to the Northern Los Angeles area - there are currently no regulations protecting our water from fracking in California. It's not even clear if it can be practiced safely. History has shown that the cement casing crack within 3 years. This is related to the Gulf disaster. Yet the Department of Conservation is moving forward with regulations that will continue to allowing fracking in California. We have enough water problems in California already. There is a global water shortage already. We don't need flammable water too! Until fracking can be demonstrated safe, which is unlikely, Governor Brown should Ban Fracking in California. More info: contact: Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager, CREDO Action from Working Assets. If you eat meat it is important to know where your meat comes from and how is is raised and slaughtered. If you buy commercially produced meat, you are supporting an industry that is unnecessarily cruel to animals. If you have 11 minutes, please watch this video for a short and painful education about what really happens at commercial animal factories and slaughterhouses. Then consider paying the extra money to buy your meat from local sources in Northern California, where the animals are allowed to live out a more natural life outdoors and are slaughtered more humanely. "75% of food and fiber we grow today was discovered and cultivated by native farmers and hunter-gatherers of North, Central and South America. These indigenous varieties include corn, beans, peanuts, cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, avocados, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, squashes, black walnuts, pecans, chocolate, tobacco, rubber, sunflowers, and medicinal herbs and plants." Read rest of article. "When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money." - Cree teaching ***JUNE 2018*** MONDAY THOUGHT: "Variety is the spice of life. Monotony finances it." MON JUNE 11: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS: YOGA FOR EVERY BODY at Hayfork Yoga Center 11am-12:30pm. Substitute taught by Melanie Thibodeaux. Future Monday classes will be self-led by Judy or taught by Melanie until early August. Beginners welcome. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: call Melanie at 638-5890. MON JUNE 11: WEAVERVILLE - WEEKLY CAREGIVER RESOURCES & SUPPORT at Weaverville Library Meeting Room 1:30pm-4:30pm. Find out about FREE caregivers support & resources. You are a family caregiver if: you help a parent, spouse, relative, or friend with any of the following: shopping, driving, medications, meals, personal care, or finances. More info: visit Kelsi at Weaverville Library on Mondays or call 221-1900 or 800-995-0878 or email MON JUNE 11: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS: YOGA WITH MELANIE at Hayfork Yoga Center 4:30pm-6pm. Taught by Melanie Thibodeaux. Beginners welcome. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: call Melanie at 638-5890. SCHEDULE NOTE: Melanie will not be teaching her Monday classes on JUNE 25; JULY 2, 9 and 22. MON JUNE 11: JUNCTION CITY - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS at North Fork Grange 5:30pm-7pm. More info: call Laurie Lingeman or Mari Brazelle. TUES JUNE 12: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS: YOGA FOR EVERY BODY at Hayfork Yoga Center 7am-8:30am. Taught by Erin McKellar. Beginners welcome. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: text Erin at 410-1177. TUES JUNE 12: WEAVERVILLE - TAHA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING at Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts Community Wellness Center (140 S. Miner) at 2:30pm. All who are interested are welcome to attend. Meetings are on second and fourth Tuesdays each month. TAHA House Wellness Center open hours in May: Tuesdays - Margaret - 2-6pm; Thursdays Pam - 1-5pm. You can create a personal healing pendant with Pam (walk-ins or by app't). More info, to make an app't with Pam: call 778-3135. More info: call TAHA at 623-2244. Meetings are second and fourth Tuesdays. TUES JUNE 12: HAYFORK - GREATER HAYFORK VALLEY PARKS & RECREATION DISTRICT MEETING at (former) Head Start Building in Hayfork Park at 6pm. Open to the public. More info or to confirm call Mike Fillette. Second Tuesday each month. TUES JUNE 12: WEAVERVILLE - WEEKLY COMMUNITY CHORUS & BAND REHEARSALS at Weaverville Elementary School - CANCELLED FOR TODAY! Randall is sick. WED JUNE 13: REDDING, CA - WEEKLY OIL PAINTING CLASS: STEFAN BAUMANN at Carter House Gallery 9am-4pm. Stefan Baumann will be bringing his oil painting classes to North Valley Art League beginning WED JAN 4 in gallery workroom. More info or to sign up contact Stefan at or call 1-800-511-1337. WED JUNE 13: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS: YOGA FOR EVERY BODY at Hayfork Yoga Center 4pm-5:30pm. Taught by Erin McKellar. Beginners welcome. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: text Erin at 410-1177. WED JUNE 13: WEAVERVILLE - WEEKLY FARMERS MARKET at Lowden Park 4pm-7pm. WED JUNE 13: HAYFORK - WEEKLY TRINITY COUNTY HORSE & LONG EARS PLAY DAY at Trinity County Fairgrounds arena at 5:30pm (weather dependent, check website). Get together to play with your equines in a safe learning environment. Great time to work on skills for any discipline you may be pursuing. More info or to confirm: call Audrey Williamson, vice president, at 739-3283 or email WED JUNE 13: WEAVERVILLE - TRINITY COUNTY RED CROSS VOLUNTEER MEETING at Trinity County Office of Education Main Conference Room in Weaverville (201 Memorial Drive) 6pm-8pm. Meetings are for current volunteers. They welcome anyone interested in learning more about volunteering for Red Cross! Don't wait until fires or disasters start! Get trained now to be a local volunteer. More info: call Veronica Dudin, Training Coordinator / County Lead, American Red Cross Gold Country Region, at 530-510-2295. Second Wednesday each month, usually in Weaverville. WED JUNE 13: WEAVERVILLE - ST. PETERSBURG MEN'S CHOIR ENSEMBLE FROM RUSSIA: SACRED SONGS OF THE NATIONS at Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center (101 Arbuckle Court) at 7pm. Tickets are $12/each, $20/couple or $30/family. WED JUNE 13: REDDING - SPOKEN WORD NIGHT AT THE LOFT at The Bohemian Art Loft (3304-B Bechelli Lane) at 7pm. For serious poets, writers, playwrights, storytellers, comedians, and actors of all genres. No censorship. Audience welcome. Donations accepted. Refreshments served. More info or to confirm: call 229-7818. Second Wednesday each month. WED JUNE 13: HAYFORK - WEEKLY OPEN MIC at Green Dragon (green building to the right of Northern Delights) in evening. Drop by for more info. THURS JUNE 14: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS: YOGA FOR EVERY BODY at Hayfork Yoga Center 7am-8:30am. Taught by Erin McKellar. Beginners welcome. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: text Erin at 410-1177. THURS JUNE 14: WEAVERVILLE - WEEKLY HEALING PENDANT CONSULTATIONS at Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts Community Wellness Center (140 S. Miner) 12PM-5pm. Pam Yearout of Earth Dance Jewelry is offering these healing pendant consultations, walk-in or by app’t. More info: call 778-3135. THURS JUNE 14: HAYFORK - GENTLE MOTION EXERCISES FOR BODY & SPIRIT at Hayfork Yoga Center 3pm-5pm. Susan Bower is teaching this class on the second and fourth Thursdays each month. This is an interactive class for bodies of all ages and strengths, and for persons of all spiritualities seeking greater good. The class incorporates ten keys toward health and well-being. Come see what Susan has to offer! Free will donations are welcomed for this class. THURS JUNE 14: WEAVERVILLE - TRINITY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD MEETING at Alice Goen Jones History Center in Jake Jackson Museum at 4pm. More info: call 623-5211. Second Thursday each month. Jake Jackson Museum is now open 10am-5pm every day until the end of September. THURS JUNE 14: COFFEE CREEK - WEEKLY ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - WOMEN ONLY MEETING at private residence on Carrville Loop at 5pm. Location does not have a street address but is easy to find. More info or for directions: call 266-3636. THURS JUNE 14: JUNCTION CITY - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS at North Fork Grange 5:30pm-7pm. More info: call Laurie Lingeman or Mari Brazelle. THURS JUNE 14 - SUN JUNE 17: GRASS VALLEY, CA - ANNUAL FATHERS DAY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL at Nevada County Fairgrounds. FRI JUNE 15: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS: YOGA FOR EVERY BODY at Hayfork Yoga Center 11am-12:30pm. Taught by Erin McKellar, this is an all level class. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: text Erin at 410-1177. FRI JUNE 15: HAYFORK - WEEKLY FARMERS MARKET at Hayfork Park 4pm-7pm. FRI JUNE 15: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS at Hayfork Yoga Center at 5:30pm. Taught by Erin McKellar, this is an all level class. Beginners welcome. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: text Erin at 410-1177. FRI JUNE 15: WEAVERVILLE - FREE MOVIE NIGHT at Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts Community Wellness Center (140 S. Miner). Potluck at 6:15pm. Movie starts at 7pm. June movie is "Around Ireland With a Fridge". If building is dark after 7pm, it's because of showing the movie. Come on in! More info: call TAHA at 623-2244. FRI JUNE 15: WEAVERVILLE - HEART FARM at Trinity Alps Performing Arts Center (101 Arbuckle Court) at 8pm. Tickets are $12/each, $20/couple or $30/family. Enjoy a lively evening, you'll want to dance. FRI JUNE 15: HAYFORK - WEEKLY OPEN MIC at Northern Delights Coffeehouse 7pm-11pm (winter hours), unless there is a concert happening. SAT JUNE 16: WEAVERVILLE - 2ND ANNUAL TRINITY COUNTY ARTS IN THE ALPS: CERAMICS & GLASS FESTIVAL along Main Street in Historic Weaverville 10am-4pm. Morning begins with coffee and donuts at Trinity Movie Theater where Humboldt County's artists Shannon Sullivan and David Zdrazil will discuss how they produce intricate ceramic and wood sculptures and vessels. Michael Hopko will unveil the process of blowing glass into expressive octopus, fish, and varied creatures. Afterward, join them under the big tent at Highland Art Center Meadow to watch Sullivan and Zdrazil demonstrate a variety of complex and unusual ceramic techniques. Throughout the day, Highland meadow will come alive with ceramic and glass activities for children and adults. Try your hand at throwing a pot on the wheel. Get fired-up and glaze a commemorative vessel, then participate in Raku firing. Choose the glass and assist the firing of an enamel pendant. Chris Cisper, joining us from Mendocino with wife and painter Jacquelyn, will join us throwing his beautiful ceramic vessels. The meadow will be surrounded by some of the North State's most talented ceramic and glass artists selling their art. The evening wraps up with an opportunity to meet our esteemed artists during the Artists Receptions at the Main Street Gallery, Highland Art Center, and Olson Stoneware from 5 to 7pm. Free Admission. For info about becoming a vendor go to Trinity County Arts Council or call 623-2760. SAT JUNE 16: WEAVERVILLE - RECEPTION TO MEET THE CERAMICS & GLASS PRESENTERS at Main Street Gallery, Highland Art Center, and Olson Stoneware 5-7pm. More info: call 623-2760. SAT JUNE 16: HAYFORK - MERIT PARCEL BAND at Hayfork Hotel at 9pm. Trinity County Alternative Indie rock band Merit Parcel will be promoting the release of its second album "Out For Delivery," available June 1, with a scheduled Northwest album release tour June 1-16. Founder and front man M.P. started the Merit Parcel project at the beginning of 2017 with the release of "Merit Parcel - Missed the Band Wagon." Over the course of the next year the solo act developed into a full band production with Trinity County musicians coming together to create an exciting live production and performance of Merit's music. After a year of performances, events, and writing, dedicated members M.P. (vocals/acoustic), Loren O'Brien (bass), Ron Baca Jr. (electric guitar), Taylor Aglipay (sax/keys) and James Johansing (drums) have decided to take their sound to the road with the release of their new studio album "Out For Delivery." SUN JUNE 17: FATHERS DAY! SUN JUNE 17: HAYFORK - TREK 4 TRASH COMMUNITY LITTER PICK-UP DAY! Meet downtown across from Post Office at 9am. Everyone's help is needed for a couple hours! Wear bright-colored jacket or shirt, sturdy boots or shoes, long pants, gloves, hats and suntan lotion and bring water bottles and snacks as needed. Everything else is supplied including a prize for "best find". Afterwards, there will be a celebration taco bar 11am-1pm. Sponsored by Mirror Reflections Full Service Salon. More info: call Christine Seronello at 628-5416 or Pat Anderson at 628-1604. Additional 2018 Trek for Trash dates: SUN AUG 5 and SUN OCT 14. SUN JUNE 17: COFFEE CREEK - COFFEE CREEK VOLUNTEER FIRE DEP'T FIREFLIES COUNTRY BREAKFAST at CCVFD Fire Hall (corner of Marin and Cedar) 9am-12noon. Third Sunday each month. MON JUNE 18: HAYFORK - WEEKLY YOGA CLASS: YOGA FOR EVERY BODY at Hayfork Yoga Center 11am-12:30pm. Taught by Claudia Bird. Future Monday classes will be self-led by Judy or taught by Melanie until early August. Beginners welcome. Mats, bolsters, blocks, and blankets are provided. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. More info: call Melanie at 638-5890. TUES JUNE 19: DOUGLAS CITY - HERBAL OIL & SALVE MAKING WORKSHOP at home of Christine Johnson on Deerlick Springs Road 10am-1pm. $40. They will make oils and salves from both fresh and dried herbs and go through every step of the process. Christina has 30 years experience with growing and using medicinal herbs as well as several certificates from the North American Institute for Medical Herbalism. She owns Wild Mountain Herbs, a local business, that sells over 50 products regionally as well as herb plant starts. If you are interested please email: to pre-register (required) and get directions. TUES JUNE 19: WEAVERVILLE - WEEKLY COMMUNITY CHORUS REHEARSAL at Weaverville Elementary School (up Highway 299, about 1/2 mile, on right) 5pm-6:30pm. All singing parts needed. More info: contact Randall Walker. June rehearsals are for July 4 concert. TUES JUNE 19: WEAVERVILLE - WEEKLY COMMUNITY BAND REHEARSAL at Weaverville Elementary School (up Highway 299, about 1/2 mile, on right) 6:30pm-8pm. All instruments wanted. More info: contact Randall Walker. June rehearsals are for July 4 concert. WED JUNE 20: WEAVERVILLE - TRINITY COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING at Trinity County Office of Education Conference Room at 6:30pm. Open to public. More info: call TC Chamber at 623-6101 or email Third Wednesday each month. WED JUNE 20: HAYFORK - HAYFORK COOPERATIVE MEETING at Northern Delights Coffeehouse (7091 State Highway 3) at 7pm. June presentation: Farmers Market manager, Nicole Boyer, along with multiple vendors will discuss various aspects of the farmers’ market and the role that it plays for the town. With the intention of bringing people together to support local and to create community, the farmers’ market has the potential to continue to change the culture of the community in a positive direction. Bringing greater health to the people of Hayfork is beneficial for all, and the direct farmer / producer to customer model has many benefits for our economy and for the environment. These topics, among others, will be discussed at the meeting. The farmers’ market team welcomes everyone to join in the discussion on what we can do to continue to grow and advance the weekly event (Fridays from 4-7pm in the park). There will be time for questions and answers, opinions and ideas. Also, there will be products from some of the vendors available for sale after the meeting. This is a free event open to all. Feel free to bring seeds, plants, bulbs, gardening catalogs, etc. to share. They invite you to discuss Hayfork Cooperative and what programs you are interested in having. They do not ask for dues as this is a cooperative. More info or if you have suggestions talk to: Susan Bower. Third Wednesday each month. WED JUNE 20: HYAMPOM - HYAMPOM COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING at 7pm. HCSD governs operations of Hyampom Volunteer Fire Department (HymVFD). HymVFD services include both structure and wildland firefighting, and emergency medical services provided by staffing and operating the Hyampom Ambulance. Recently, HCSD has also been responsible for coordinating, planning, and implementation of fire safe grants and fuels reduction projects within Hyampom Valley. Currently, meeting notifications and agendas are posted on community bulletin board. Their goal is to also use email to communicate with interested community members. Additional emails may include notifications about a change in meeting times and/or dates, special meetings, and fire safe planning or project activities. Third Wednesday each month. THURS JUNE 21: HAYFORK - REIKI HEALING CIRCLE at Hayfork Yoga Center at 3pm. Share in the experience of healing from physical, emotional, & mental trauma. Practitioners & receivers are welcome. Prior Reiki experience not required. Chairs and cushions are available. Free or by donation. First and third Thursdays. More info: call Patricia at 628-4630. THURS JUNE 21: HAYFORK - TRINITY COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING at Trinity County Fairgrounds Fair Boardroom (6000 Hwy 3) at 7pm. All members and the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. More info: call Jack Heard, Secretary of Trinity County Fair Association at 628-5223 or email: Third Thursday each month. 2018 Trinity County Fair Dates - August 10-12, 2018. "Jewel of the West, Trinity is the Best". SAT JUNE 23: WEAVERVILLE - TRINITY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY BLACKSMITH CLASSES at J.J. Jackson Museum Blacksmith Shop (780 Main Street) 9am-2pm. More info: call 623-5211. Classes are held on second and fourth Saturdays each month October - May. Jake Jackson Museum is now open 10am-5pm every day until the end of September. Jake Jackson Museum is now open 10am-5pm every day until the end of September. SAT JUNE 23: BIG FLAT - TERRAGENA WINE TASTING at Strawhouse Resorts (31301 State Highway 299) 2pm-4pm (private) and 4pm-7pm (public). They hope you can join them for a fabulous afternoon of enjoying Terragena Vineyards delectable wines. Private tasting/tapas pairing will be from 2-4pm by reservation only. Public tasting will be from 4pm-7pm. No reservation needed, but a heads-up that you are planning to attend would be helpful. TO register: contact Julia Ellis at Strawhouse Resorts at 623-1990 or SUN JUNE 24: HAYFORK - RESTORATIVE YOGA CLASS at Hayfork Yoga Center 3pm - 5pm. This very relaxing class is taught by Erin and is a fundraiser for Hayfork Yoga Center. Suggested donation is $20 per person. There is space for twelve people. Please make reservations using the signup sheet at the studio. If you send your reservation using HYC website, please also include your phone number as there was an instance when we could not confirm a reservation with someone, due to their email address not working. More info: text Erin at 410-1177. TUES JUNE 26: WEAVERVILLE - TAHA BOARD MEETING at Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts Community Wellness Center (140 S. Miner) at 2:30pm. All who are interested are welcome to attend. Meetings are on second and fourth Tuesdays each month. TAHA House Wellness Center open hours in May: Tuesdays - Margaret - 2-6pm; Wednesdays - Jessica - 1-5pm; Thursdays - Pam - 1-5pm: you can create a personal healing pendant with Pam (walk-ins or by app't). More info, to make an app't with Pam: call 778-3135.hours TBA or by appointment by calling 623-2244. THURS JUNE 28: WEAVERVILLE - TRINITY COUNTY FIRE SAFE COUNCIL MEETING at TCRCD conference room on Horseshoe Lane (#6 Horseshoe Lane, behind front office) at 2pm. Meeting is open to public. The agenda will be posted on FSC website one week prior to meeting. More info: call Trinity County Resource Conservation District (TCRCD) at 623-6004. Fourth Thursday each month. THURS JUNE 28: HAYFORK - GENTLE MOTION EXERCISES FOR BODY & SPIRIT at Hayfork Yoga Center 3pm-5pm. Susan Bower is teaching this class on the second and fourth Thursdays each month. This is an interactive class for bodies of all ages and strengths, and for persons of all spiritualities seeking greater good. The class incorporates ten keys toward health and well-being. Come see what Susan has to offer! Free will donations are welcomed for this class. THURS JUNE 29: HAYFORK - HAYFORK CEMETERY ASSOCIATION MEETINGS at Community Center (Tule Creek Road) at 6:30pm. Public is always welcome. Donations to this group are tax-deductible. More info: call 628-4206. Last Thursday each month. SAT JUNE 30: WEAVERVILLE - NEEDLE FELTING CLASS at Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts Community Wellness Center (140 S. Miner) 10am-4pm. Presented by OurSpace Events. VaLynn Crafford and Pam Augspurger will teach the fine art of needle-felting. This was a very popular class last year and is back by request of the participants. Although the results will amaze you, the process is one that anyone can learn. Come and make a critter or other object of your choice, at the TAHA House, on Miner Street, next to Oregon Street, Weaverville. Cost is $40 per participant, with a $15 materials fee. Returning students are welcome, as well as newbies. To sign up for this class, call Elizabeth at 778-3135. Checks made out to EarthDance can be sent to 175 Steelhead Circle, Lewiston 96052. As always the class fee includes breakfast beverages and snacks and a tasty lunch. SAT JUNE 30: HAYFORK - ACOUSTIC MUSIC JAM at Northern Delights Coffeehouse 12noon-6pm. Come out and jam with your fellow acoustic musicians. Last Saturday each month. More info: contact Matt or Northern Delights. ***JULY 2018*** SUN JULY 1: REDDING, CA - CSOTFA - DISTRICT 6 FIDDLE JAM, OPEN MIC & FREE CONCERT at St. James Lutheran Church meeting room (2500 Shasta View Blvd, just south of Highway 44) 1pm-4:30pm. Fiddle, bluegrass and Americana. 1pm - open jam session; 2pm - free Old Time Fiddle & Bluegrass concert by The Blackberry Blossom Farm (July); followed by open mic. Come early to sign up for the Open Mic. Event ends around 4pm. All ages and levels welcome. Everyone is welcome to participate (beginner, intermediate and advanced), listen or just join friends and spend time together jamming and visiting. If you have a band or fiddle, guitar, mandolin, banjo, etc. students that would like to stage a performance in the future, please contact them. More info: email or call George Fredson at 604-8706. DIRECTIONS: Take Hwy 44 East; Shasta View is 2nd or 3rd exit; turn right; church is on right. First Sunday each month. MON JULY 2: LEWISTON - LEWISTON SPARKIES FIREFIGHTER AUXILIARY GROUP MEETING at Community Center (Texas Avenue) at 3pm. Open to men & women over age 16. Public is welcome. More info: call Kristen at 778-3132. First Monday each month. CONFIRM, due to holiday weekend!! MON JULY 2: SHINGLETOWN, CA - UKULELE GROUP at 6pm. Bring your ukulele and join them for music and singing. More info or for location: call Nicki at 474-4427. First and third Mondays each month. CONFIRM, due to holiday weekend!! TUES JULY 3: HAYFORK - FOOD COMMODITIES DISTRIBUTION at Trinity County Fairgrounds 9am-10am. First Tuesday each month. CONFIRM, due to holiday weekend!! TUES JULY 3: WEAVERVILLE - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING in BOS chambers at Trinity County Library meeting room at 9am. View meeting info, agenda, and archived minutes. Agenda for upcoming regular board meeting is available 72 hours before scheduled Board meeting, earlier if possible. Agenda items are due Monday morning 9am the week prior to the Board Meeting. To request an item to be placed on the agenda call Clerk of the Board at 623-1217. First & third Tuesdays each month, according to website. CONFIRM, due to holiday weekend!! TUES JULY 3: WILLOW CREEK, CA - STUDIO 299 CENTER FOR THE ARTS MEETING at St. Joseph's Community Service Room at 5pm. Studio 299 is a non-profit artist's collaborative serving Western Trinity & Eastern Humboldt counties area. More info: call 629-3488. First Tuesday each month. CONFIRM, due to holiday weekend!! TUES JULY 3: HAYFORK - MOUNTAIN ACTORS WORKSHOP MEETING at home of Chris and Melody Semer at 6:30pm. Open to public. More info or to confirm: call Chris or Melodye Semer at 628-5445 or call Kitty Wilson. First Tuesday each month. CONFIRM, due to holiday weekend!! WED JULY 4: INDEPENDENCE DAY! WED JULY 4: WEAVERVILLE - INDEPENDENCE DAY FESTIVITIES all day long. Community Band and Chorus will perform in Highland Art Center Meadow at 9am. See Trinity Journal for all events listings. THURS JULY 5: HAYFORK - REIKI HEALING CIRCLE at Hayfork Yoga Center at 3pm. Share in the experience of healing from physical, emotional, & mental trauma. Practitioners & receivers are welcome. Prior Reiki experience not required. Chairs and cushions are available. Free or by donation. First and third Thursdays each month. More info: call Patricia at 628-4630. FRI JULY 6: WEAVERVILLE - MONTHLY OPEN MIC at Tangle Blue Saloon (160 Nugget Lane) 7pm-11pm. Signups start at 6:30pm. Microphone and guitar provided, you bring the songs. All ages until 8:30pm; 21 and older after 8:30pm. No cover. First Friday each month. More info: contact Taylor Aglipay. SAT JULY 7: HAYFORK - COMMUNITY PANCAKE BREAKFAST at Roderick Senior Center 8am-10am. $7 donation. Everyone welcome. First Saturday each month. SAT JULY 7: WEAVERVILLE - MONTHLY RABIES CLINIC at Trinity Animal Hospital 9am-12noon. All rabies and other vaccines and heartworm test will be given at a discounted price. No app't, walk-in, first come, first served. First Saturday each month. SAT JULY 7: WEAVERVILLE - ART CRUISE at 5pm-8pm. Monthly artist's receptions and show openings with snacks and beverages. Participating galleries and businesses may include: Happy Salmon Gallery (at Trinity Alliance for the Healing Arts Community Wellness Center at 140 S. Miner Street), Highland Art Center & Gallery, Our Space, Our Space, Umpqua Bank, Gold Rush Jewelers, Trinity County Chamber of Commerce, Main Street Gallery, Angela's Bead Art, and more! Happy Salmon Gallery will continue to feature a Suzan LaBerteaux Memorial art show. Suzan passed away on Friday May 4, 2018. First Saturday each month. SAT JULY 7 - SAT JULY 14: ARCATA & BLUE LAKE, CA - 40TH ANNUAL HUMBOLDT FOLKLIFE FESTIVAL. It's going to be so much fun, with many fine local bands lined up to perform ! More info TBA. SUN JULY 8: VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN TRINITY COUNTY - TRINITY COUNTY HORSE & LONG EARS MONTHLY TRAIL RIDE. Location posted on website. Group members meet to explore beauty of Trinity County on horseback. Riders are encouraged to car pool to trail head and bring a lunch. Please be saddled up and ready to hit the trail at ride start time. More info: call Audrey Williamson, vice president, at 739-3283 or email Second Sunday each month, weather dependent, time and location varies - check calendar on website. SUN JULY 8: ANDERSON, CA - OLD TIME MUSIC CIRCLE at Anderson Church of Christ (3434 North Street, corner of North and Riverside). Playing begins at 12noon; potluck at 1pm; followed by more playing until 3pm. Bring a potluck dish, your acoustic instrument/s and your favorite oldtime songs. Second Sunday each month. SUN JULY 8: HAYFORK - TIMBERJACKS 4H CLUB MEETING at Hayfork Youth Center at 2pm. This is the monthly whole club meeting and potential members are welcome to come see what 4-H is all about. Projects in swine, goats, poultry, electronics, video game design, dogs, rabbits, leadership, camping & adventure, etc. Membership is open to children 5 years/older and to parents/caretakers who would like to volunteer time to teach a skill or supervise a project. Children can become members even if parent is unable to lead a project, but they do ask that you support your child's interest by getting them to meetings regularly. Visitors are welcome but must follow Hayfork Youth Center and 4-H rules of conduct while visiting meeting. More info: call Kathy at 628-4221. Second Sunday each month. SAT JULY 14: WEAVERVILLE - TRINITY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY BLACKSMITH CLASSES at Jake Jackson Museum Blacksmith Shop (780 Main Street) 9am-2pm. More info: call 623-5211. Classes are held on second and fourth Saturdays each month October - May. Jake Jackson Museum is now open 10am-5pm every day until the end of September. SAT JULY 14: WEAVERVILLE - TRINITY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETING & POTLUCK at Congregational Church. Potluck at 2pm. Presentation at 3pm. All members of the public are invited. If you would like to join the historical society, they will have applications available. Please come and enjoy the program. More info: call 623-5211. Second Saturday each month. Jake Jackson Museum is now open 10am-5pm every day until the end of September. SAT JULY 14: REDDING, CA - CSOTFA FREE OLD TIME FIDDLE CONCERT, OPEN MIC & JAM at Round Table Pizza in Mt. Shasta Mall (900 Dana Drive) 5:30pm-7:30pm. They open with a free concert followed by performances at Open Mic, plus some great pizza. This is part of their Community Concert Series in which they sponsor performances and fiddle jams for enjoyment by the general public. "Pizza goes better with music, and music goes better with pizza!" More info: call George Fredson at 604-8706 or email Second Saturday each month. SUN JULY 15: PALO CEDRO, CA - CSOTFA DISTRICT 6 OLD TIME FIDDLE CONCERT & JAM at Palo Cedro Community Hall (22037 Old Forty-four Drive). Doors open at 1pm with an open jam in side room for those who would like to arrive early. Free concert at 2pm in main room. Concert is followed by an Open Mic. If you feel like joining in the fun, bring your fiddle, guitar, banjo, bass, or other favorite acoustic instrument and join them. This event has great community support with refreshments are provided by Guild members and are available for purchase during event. If great music isn’t enough, the great food is something you don’t want to miss. More info: call George Fredson at 604-8706 or email Third Sunday each month. SUN JUNE 17 JAM is cancelled due to Fathers' Day. SAT JULY 28: WEAVERVILLE - NORCAL JAZZ FESTIVAL at Lowden Park. Details TBA. ***AUG 2018*** WED AUG 1: LEWISTON - GARDEN CLUB MEETING at Community Center. Social time is 12:30pm-1pm. Meeting & presentation at 1pm. Refreshments served afterward. Guests always welcome. More info: call Carolyn Rhody at 623-6170. First Wednesday each month. SAT AUG 4: BLUE LAKE, CA - 18TH ANNUAL BUDDY BROWN BLUES FESTIVAL in Perigot Park. Homegrown Acoustic and Electric Blues. Gates open at 10:30am. Music begins at 11am. SUN AUG 5: HAYFORK - TREK 4 TRASH COMMUNITY LITTER PICK-UP DAY! Meet downtown across from Post Office at 9am. Everyone's help is needed for a couple hours to clean up for Trinity County Fair! Wear bright-colored jacket or shirt, sturdy boots or shoes, long pants, gloves, hats and suntan lotion and bring water bottles and snacks as needed. Everything else is supplied including a prize for "best find". Afterwards, there will be a celebration taco bar 11am-1pm. More info: call Christine Seronello at 628-5241 or Pat Anderson at 628-1604. Additional 2018 Trek for Trash date: SUN OCT 14. "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh." - Voltaire "The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience, wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; worship without sacrifice." - Mahatma Gandhi |